အဆင္႔ ၿမင္႔ Broswer တစ္ ခု ၿဖစ္တဲ႔ Opera Dev ရဲ႔ new version Update ေလးပါဗ်ာ Firefox
ေလာက္ မေက်ာ္ၾကား ေပမဲ႔ FireFox ၿပီးတာ နဲ႔ Opera ေလးဟာ ေတာ္ေတာ္
ေလးပါဗ်ာ Opera Browser ကို Opera , Opera Next , Opera Dev ဆိုၿပီး သံုးမ်ိဳးခြဲၿခား ထားၿပီး Opera Dev ကေတာ႕ Wed Developer ေတြ အတြက္ ရည္ရြယ္ထုတ္လုပ္ထားတဲ႕ Browser ေလးပါဗ်ာ. ၿမန္မာ စာ အတြက္ အ နည္း ငယ္ အခက္ အခဲ ရွိတာေၾကာင္႔ ၿမန္မာ ေတြ
အသံုးၿပဳ နည္း
ၾကတာပဲ ရွိပါတယ္ Browser ႏွစ္ခု သံုးခု ကို တစ္ၿပိဳင္ တည္း သံုးတတ္ၾက တဲ႔
မိတ္ေဆြ ေတြ နဲ႔ Opera Update မၿဖစ္ေသးတဲ႔ မိတ္ေဆြ ေတြ ေအာက္မွာ
Download လိုက္ပါဗ်ာ
The new version of a great browser, which is not as popular as FireFox, but which is in second place, behind it according to StatCounter only eight percent.
Overall does a very functional, compact, you also get a built-in mail program that supports service Gmail, you can also receive news via RSS feeds in full news you can download Opera for a direct link - fast and free with our project.
By the way, the program has a "Turbo" mode, which is pretty much able to reduce traffic consumed when viewing Web pages, as all images will be compressed and the page will load faster. Naturally, you can supplement does all sorts of extensions, some of which are blocking advertisements, translate page to the language you want, preview images, use services SaveFrom, download videos from the project YouTube, FaceBook and so on.
Opera allows you to change the theme and design, when it is selected, you can immediately see what is looks like your browser, if you like, just claim it and enjoy, the choice is rich enough. The most convenient interface Opera webpages will certainly quickly, you can block inlays, has built-in "Express window" in which you can add a site you want to access them quickly and then gain access.
The latest versions of Opera had better compatibility with Windows 7, has also been updated built engine responsible for running javascript, slightly refreshed panel and menu, Opera Presto engine also has been updated to work with pages now you can even faster as the latest web technologies. In general, there is nothing more to tell, developers Opera from version to version does make stable close any vulnerability, bolted the new chips, and so on, in general, the program is popular and in demand, I hope useful Opera and you enjoy all areas!
Home Page
Opera Dev v25.0.1606.0 Final | 30 MB
The new version of a great browser, which is not as popular as FireFox, but which is in second place, behind it according to StatCounter only eight percent.
Overall does a very functional, compact, you also get a built-in mail program that supports service Gmail, you can also receive news via RSS feeds in full news you can download Opera for a direct link - fast and free with our project.
By the way, the program has a "Turbo" mode, which is pretty much able to reduce traffic consumed when viewing Web pages, as all images will be compressed and the page will load faster. Naturally, you can supplement does all sorts of extensions, some of which are blocking advertisements, translate page to the language you want, preview images, use services SaveFrom, download videos from the project YouTube, FaceBook and so on.
Opera allows you to change the theme and design, when it is selected, you can immediately see what is looks like your browser, if you like, just claim it and enjoy, the choice is rich enough. The most convenient interface Opera webpages will certainly quickly, you can block inlays, has built-in "Express window" in which you can add a site you want to access them quickly and then gain access.
The latest versions of Opera had better compatibility with Windows 7, has also been updated built engine responsible for running javascript, slightly refreshed panel and menu, Opera Presto engine also has been updated to work with pages now you can even faster as the latest web technologies. In general, there is nothing more to tell, developers Opera from version to version does make stable close any vulnerability, bolted the new chips, and so on, in general, the program is popular and in demand, I hope useful Opera and you enjoy all areas!
Home Page
Opera Dev v25.0.1606.0 Final | 30 MB

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