Android မွာ အသံုးၿပဳတဲ႕ Lucky Patcher Applications ေလးကိုေတာ႕ Developer
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Meet the Lucky Patcher - quite legendary and very useful utility for your
device on the OS Android.It is designed to make changes to installed on your
smartphone or tablet application from Google Play.In automatic mode, this app
can remove ads or checking license from Google Play.Also there is the
possibility of the use of custom patches and manual removal of license
verification .After applying Lucky Patcher ( and utility works with most
applications from Market ) your application will be fully functional and
registered .To work Lucky Patcher need root- rights as to get them on your
device , those of you who are interested , I think, will understand ( for
example, I simply installed SuperUser! Through ClockworkMod recovery).Download
Lucky Patcher direct link - fast and free possible.
The program is quite simple and convenient: when you first start Lucky
Patcher will scan your system and will give a detailed list of applications that
can be cured by greed
At the same time he has to provide root- law.
Application in which the patch can be applied , will be at the beginning
of the list, should be something like " found a custom patch ."Here it should be
applied and , in the menu patches.As a rule, it works , and you'll have a fully registered program.
In addition, you can use the Lucky Patcher to recompile the application ,
removing them from advertising.Iereceived an application from the store,
recompile it, kept it.Then , remove the installed application , and instead put
a patched , and , voila , we do not get tired of advertising in the application,
it is no longer there .Patched itself so the game of Chess free store and use at
your leisure.
This version adds the ability to block annoying ads in applications ,
it does not always work ( I have here with handsend sms came in part,
maybe I
did something wrong) .And that's what really happened , so it's a patch
Backup, as a result I have the latest full-featured version . It is
important that before applying the patch is recommended to make a
backup of the application.In the archive are invested little help from
author, questions and answers , as well as a detailed reference to 4pda.
Home Page
Android 1.6 အထက္သာ
Lucky Patcher v4.8.8 Final | 2 MB
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