Android Smart ဖုန္း အသံုးၿပဳ ၾကတဲ႕ User ေတြ နဲ႕ Mobile Service လုပ္ေဆာင္ေနၾကတဲ႕ မိတ္ေဆြမ်ား အတြက္ အသံုး ၀င္ေစ မဲ႕ program ေလးပါဗ်ာ. Anvsoft မွ Free အေန နဲ႕ ထုတ္လုပ္ထားေသာ product တစ္ခု ၿဖစ္ၿပီး မိတ္ေဆြ တို႕ရဲ႕ Android Device တစ္ခု လံုး မွ SMS , Contacts , Call Logs , Browser Bookmark , Album , More Photos (on SD) , Audio (SD) , Videos (SD) စတဲ႕... Data ေတြ ကို Computer အတြင္း သို႕ Backup အေနနဲ႕ အလြယ္တကူ သိမ္းဆည္း ရာတြင္ အသံုးၿပဳ ႏိုင္ၿပီး .... ၿပန္ လည္ Restore လုပ္ေဆာင္ရာ တြင္ လည္း တစ္ၿခားေသာ program ေတြ ကဲ႕သို႕ ၿမန္မာ ဘာသာ ၿဖင္႕ ေရးမွတ္ထား ေသာ SMS , Contacts မ်ား ပ်က္စီးၿခင္း မရွိပဲ နဂို မႈလ အတိုင္း ၿပန္လည္ ရရွိေစႏိုင္တဲ႕ ေကာင္းမြန္ တဲ႕ Backup and Restore Tool ေလးပါဗ်ာ.
Excellent program for owners of phones based on Android, it allows you to do a full backup of all existing data in your mobile phone , and then , if desired, can also easily restore all download SyncDroid direct link - fast and free offered below.
Excellent program for owners of phones based on Android, it allows you to do a full backup of all existing data in your mobile phone , and then , if desired, can also easily restore all download SyncDroid direct link - fast and free offered below.
The program works with Android 2.0 and above .Initially you have to go to
settings , select there " Developer Options " to activate them and tick the
"Debug USB", further connect the device to your computer , run the program , it
will automatically find the phone, write his model , show how busy the main and
built-in memoryplus you can see what's happening on the screen of your phone via
the application interface .
Further, it should be noted in SyncDroid ticks materials that need to be
copied, do not forget to change the name of the backup.After waiting for the end
result , all as simple as possible .Note that just as you can then restore it
all , good luck!
SyncDroid v1.2.5 Final | 23 MB
*Important ! You will need to install HaoZip require for
extract zip files on my blog * Thank For Study my Blog.
(*Important ! ကၽြန္ေတာ္ Blog မွ Zip ဖိုင္မ်ား ကို ၿပန္ၿဖည္ႏိုင္ ဖို႕ အတြက္ မိတ္ေဆြ တို႕ Computer မွာ HaoZip program အား Install လုပ္ထား ဖို႕လိုအပ္ပါလိမ္႕မည္. ေက်းဇူတင္ပါသည္.)
Download Here
(*Important ! ကၽြန္ေတာ္ Blog မွ Zip ဖိုင္မ်ား ကို ၿပန္ၿဖည္ႏိုင္ ဖို႕ အတြက္ မိတ္ေဆြ တို႕ Computer မွာ HaoZip program အား Install လုပ္ထား ဖို႕လိုအပ္ပါလိမ္႕မည္. ေက်းဇူတင္ပါသည္.)
Download Here

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