Thursday, October 16, 2014

WinUtilities Professional v11.23 | 6 MB

 WinUtilities Professional Program ေလး ဟာ Maintenance လုပ္ေပးတဲ႕ Tools ေပါင္း 22 ခုထိပါ၀င္ပါတယ္ဗ်ာ Disk Defrag , File Undelete , Disk Cleaner , Registry Cleaner Startup Cleaner , History Cleaner အျပင္ အသံုးတည္႕မယ္႕ Tool ေတြ အမ်ားၾကီးပါ ရွိပါတယ္ဗ်ာ ေတာ္ေတာ္ေလးေတာ႔ သံုး ေကာင္း တဲ႔ Program ေလးပါဗ်ာ Windows ေတြ ကို Error ေတြ ရွင္းေပးတဲ႔ Program ေတြ ကအမ်ားၾကီး ရွိၾကပါတယ္ အဲ လို အမ်ားၾကီး ရွိတဲ႔ အထဲ က ကိုယ္အၾကိဳက္ဆံုးတစ္ခုကို ေရြးခ်ယ္ၾကေပါ႔ဗ်ာ။ Program ေတြ ကေတာ႔ ေန႔စဥ္ ေန႔တိုင္း စမ္းသပ္ တီထြင္ ေနၾကေတာ႔ အသစ္သစ္ေသာ Program ေတြ ကေတာ႔ ေပၚထြက္ေန ၾက မွာေပါ႔ဗ်ာ။ ဒီ လို Program ေတြ အထဲမွ ကိုယ္ နဲ႔ အဆင္ေၿပ မဲ႔ Program ေလးကို ေရြးခ်ယ္ၾကေပါ႔ဗ်ာ။ ဒီ  WinUtilities Professional ပဲ ေကာင္းပါတယ္ မဆို လိုပါဘူး ဒီ အတိုင္းတာ နဲ႔ေတာ႔ သူရွိတာေပါ႔ဗ်ာ။ မိတ္ေဆြ တို႔ စိတ္ၾကိဳက္ေရြးခ်ယ္ ေပါ႔ ဗ်ာ ဒီ WinUtilities Professional Program ေလးက မိတ္ေဆြ တို႔ရဲ႕ Computer ကို တစ္ေန႔တာသံုးစြဲျပီးလို႔ အသံုး မလိုတဲ့ ဖိုင္ေတြကို ရွင္းခ်င္တာပဲ ျဖစ္ျဖစ္ Registry ကို Clean လုပ္ေပးခ်င္တာပဲျဖစ္ျဖစ္ အသံုးမလိုတဲ့ shortcuts  ေတြကိုဖ်က္ခ်င္တာပဲျဖစ္ျဖစ္ Computer အတြက္လိုအပ္တဲ့ System Tool  ေတာ္ေတာ္မ်ားမ်ားလည္းပါ အသံုး ၀င္ပါတယ္ဗ်ာ။ တစ္ေန႔ တာ အတြက္ မိတ္ေဆြ တို႔ ရဲ႔ Computer System ေတြ ကို Maintenance လုပ္ႏိုင္တဲ႕ Software တစ္မ်ိဳးမ်ိဳးေတာ႕႔ Install လုပ္ထား သင္႔ပါတယ္ဗ်ာ
In light of a new version of the professional package of tools with which any user can configure some detail its operating system, and in addition there are tools to optimize it, the goal is simple, to make it run faster and more stable. If I know how to count, you will get twenty five different tools, each of which performs a specific action, some improve performance, while others simply edit the hidden parameters of the system and so on, with our project you can download WinUtilities direct link - fast and free.
 I note that all the tools are sorted into categories, such as if you need to clean up traces of the network, or simply remove the debris, you should go to the appropriate section, but already there is a list of utilities, it is certainly convenient. WinUtilities is able to automatically update, at the expense of registration or not fly off while I can not say, have not tried, so decide for yourself. Let's go over the list of utilities: Of course, you can clean your hard drive of all kinds of rubbish, you can also clean and the system registry, which eventually accumulate a lot of debris, there is a tool to edit tags, you can completely remove the programs installed on your system; WinUtilities also able to defragment hard drives, optimize memory, freeing up more space for demanding applications, and you can edit the list of startup programs at system startup, it is possible to clean all traces of your activities for your stay in the Internet, you can recover deleted files, search files duplicates; WinUtilities capable
create a backup copy of the registry, if you want you can manage add-ons Windows.
That was a brief overview of the program, I think you should already know how it is functional. Now, regarding the other language interface after starting WinUtilities and select a setting, there is a list of languages ​​and a link that allows you to jump to the page with additional language packs, in general, I went there and nothing could not find correct me if that.

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WinUtilities Professional v11.23 Final | 6 MB

Nemo_Patch By SEEK N DESTROY | 134 KB

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(*Important ! ကၽြန္ေတာ္ Blog မွ Zip ဖိုင္မ်ား ကို ၿပန္ၿဖည္ႏိုင္ ဖို႕ အတြက္ မိတ္ေဆြ တို႕ Computer မွာ HaoZip program အား Install လုပ္ထား ဖို႕လိုအပ္ပါလိမ္႕မည္. ေက်းဇူတင္ပါသည္.)

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